Nowadays, climatic conditions and changes
affectedWrong verb form
show examples
all over the world.
a major group of
as a chance and
implementingWrong verb form
show examples
new methods and ideas of
in their
and some others affect these conditions adversely to their profession. In
essay, I examine both
the Correct article usage
show examples
sides with my opinion regarding the
climate change programs.
, by regarding the positive sides of the movements for the
, it is understandable that throughout the countries
are fighting for the protection of environment and existence of nature and life. That means, day by day
of human activities the ozone layer
becomeChange the verb form
show examples
depleted and
affects the balance of climatic conditions and
ecosystemCorrect article usage
show examples
. As a result of
, it affects the
, socially and physically in their life.
, farmers and other
small scaleAdd a hyphen
show examples
industries are running with the help of
including rain , summer and winter.
, the seasons are changed and it affects the harvesting of grains and vegetables and leads to the destruction of agricultural
fieldFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, a survey conducted by Food and
organisationCapitalize word
show examples
in 2021
revealsWrong verb form
show examples
, Remove the comma
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in Change preposition
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North Indian states had a loss of 71% in annual harvesting because of unexpected rainfall.So, I strongly opine that
,Remove the comma
show examples
considering these
situations, give rise to the
against climate change , it is a good
for the farmers and ordinary
to get
motivationAdd an article
show examples
to do their
, the protecting
for the ecosystem adversely affect
to Change preposition
show examples
a group of entrepreneurs.
, everywhere in the world,
in the selling of Air
conditionerFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, Refrigerators and some kind of sprays. The Chloro Fluro Carbon produced by these
such Correct quantifier usage
show examples
products affects the ozone layer .
resultsAdd the preposition
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
decrease in the production of these
such houseFix the agreement mistake
show examples
holds Verb problem
show examples
and it affects the
becameVerb problem
show examples
lossFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, in India,
leadingCorrect article usage
show examples
companyFix the agreement mistake
show examples
onChange preposition
show examples
1990sChange the article
show examples
closed Verb problem
show examples
of production in
marketCorrect article usage
show examples
revealed by
marketAdd an article
show examples
survey conducted by Times magazine.
, to a great extent, climate
helped mostly the
primaryAdd an article
show examples
sector and it is better to implement
type of reformation to decrease the effects of
And Correct word choice
show examples
it leads to
theCorrect article usage
show examples
fall in the field of professionals and their
businessFix the agreement mistake
show examples
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
affects the environment.