It is often argued that
plays a vital role in the life of
todaysChange to a genitive case
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youth and it has
negativeAdd an article
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influence on people and society. I completely agree with the notion that
adverseAdd an article
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impact on
the Correct article usage
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individuals as well as
wholeAdd an article
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, in
people get very easily persuaded by the glamour world.
, everyone wants to look beautiful and trendy
but Remove the conjunction
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present statistics
showsChange the verb form
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that youngsters are the one who
areChange the verb form
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most impacted.
directly has
influenceAdd an article
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on Change preposition
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their academics. Definitely, if
Correct article usage
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young generation will concentrate more on their outlook, their studies will be hampered and they will score low grades in their respective universities.
will have
aChange the article
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adverse impact on
attainmentCorrect article usage
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of their future goals.
, in a study conducted on
popularityAdd an article
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of brands
as Gucci, Levis, Adidas,
AmericanCorrect word choice
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Eagle vs traditional clothes in India,
majorityCorrect article usage
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of the subjects were in favour of branded clothes rather than cultural costumes and more than half of individuals were youngsters.
youngCorrect article usage
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generation should be more encouraged
towardsChange preposition
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academicFix the agreement mistake
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or sports, so that they can have a bright future ahead.
, it will definitely lead to
moreAdd an article
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financial burden on parents as well as
negativeCorrect article usage
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impact on the children . Children are very vulnerable and they get well easily motivated. They always admire their older brother and sister as role models.
kind of negative influence will leave a very bad impression on their mindset and
, they will
try to persuade their older siblings.
nowadays, in many high schools and universities in Korea students are not allowed to wear fashionable clothes or use trendy bags in colleges. It is mandatory for everyone to wear college uniforms so that
theirReplace the word
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is no disparity between individuals.
, parents and elders should teach pupils the value of money and how they can become
inspirationAdd an article
an inspiration
the inspiration
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for their siblings.
In the conclusion, undoubtedly,
is very crucial for
youngAdd an article
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generation and I firmly
Correct your spelling
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beliveCorrect your spelling
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that it has
negativeCorrect article usage
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on people and society. So
itsCorrect your spelling
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the duty of the parents, teachers and elders to teach and motivate youngsters
for Change preposition
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not getting
persuadeWrong verb form
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, rather they should concentrate more on their academics, sports and hobbies for
betterCorrect article usage
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