Some people like to try new things, for example, places to visit and types of food. Other people prefer to keep doing things they are familiar with. Discuss both these attitudes and give your own opinion.

Some humans prefer to experience new things like visiting new locations and trying new foods.
, others wish to keep doing the same activities which they have experienced before. In my opinion, by trying new ways people will obtain knowledge about various cultures. On the
hand, there is a mass of public who are repeatedly doing the same things due to the fact that they do not wish to spoil
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enjoyment which they are getting by doing it. They are afraid that by experimenting with unexplored territories the possibilities of wasting their time as well as money would be high whereas in the previous case the chances are very less. To illustrate, when a family organise a party
they would prefer to go to the same restaurant where they have already tasted the meal before to make sure that everyone enjoys
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, they might miss some delicious dishes which are being served by other restaurants.
On the contrary
, the other mass of people likes to explore new things which allow them to learn about different cultures. I believe that when mankind visits new territories as well tastes various meals they would not only obtain various experiences but
make them aware
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native traditions associated with locations and food items.
For instance
, when Asian tourists travel to European destinations, they will educate themselves with the information about their monuments, European lifestyle along with merits of native meals.
exploration would not be possible if they only visit
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Asian destinations and keep relishing the Asian grubs.
, I think it is always beneficial trying with different items and locations. In conclusion, while the familiar activities are being done by a number of people repeatedly, a plethora of humans keep experimenting with unknown areas and grubs. I opine that one should look forward to new experiences which will allow one to become educated about various cultures.
Submitted by hvyas on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Novelty
  • Routine
  • Comfort zone
  • Risk-taker
  • Risk-averse
  • Enrichment
  • Personal growth
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Stability
  • Tradition
  • Habit
  • Familiarity
  • Personal enrichment
  • Life stages
  • Fulfilling
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