Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people think that this cannot be changed, while others believe actions can be taken to bring about a change. Discuss both and give your opinion.

It is often argued that the existence of flora and fauna rates is gradually decreasing because of man-made activities. Few of them are having the opinion that it is unavoidable.
On the other hand
, some believe that
extinction can be controlled by following the preventive measures. I strongly obey the fact that these species can be saved by implementing certain rules and guidelines for human occupation.
, The extinction of plants and animals is majorly caused due to man-made activities compared with natural causes. Deforestation results in a major cause of
in higher percentages.
For instance
,many countries are cutting down forests and replacing them with industries.
As a result
, the wilder lives are shifted to the zoological parks or taken their lives. Not only the valuable species numbers are reduced
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result in a disturbance in their natural habitats.
In addition
, the dangerous gasses and chemicals from factories cause harm to the environment and global warming rates are increasing day by day.
, I admit that the vanishing of herbs and animals can be managed by conducting awareness campaigns and educating the needs and deeds.
In other words
, the schools and universities should include environmental science in their curriculum which results in the younger and the youth not only understanding the importance but
the consequences of the destruction of the species.
, every individual is responsible to plant trees.
In addition
, the government bodies should regulate the industries and need to set up the laws to reduce the release of the endangered calamities in order to improve the flora and fauna count. To conclude, conducting awareness programs in society and regulating the industries can reduce the damage to crops and creatures.
Submitted by praveenkumarputchala1998 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • negative impact
  • extinct
  • deforestation
  • pollution
  • habitat destruction
  • mitigate
  • reverse
  • stricter regulations
  • protected areas
  • endangered species
  • education and awareness campaigns
  • biodiversity
  • consequences
  • renewable energy sources
  • organic farming
  • eco-tourism
  • environmental regulations
  • sustainable practices
  • natural ecosystems
  • preserve biodiversity
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