It has been a controversial topic about how university
should have a chance to choose the
that they only want to learn while others believe that
as technology and science are the best and useful in the future and that's why they only need to study those
. From my
Correct your spelling
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prospectiveCorrect your spelling
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, I totally agree with the
one and describe the opinions of both sides.
, advocates of the former
one Correct pronoun usage
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highlight that everybody is the same and everyone has their distinctive talents and unique abilities on their own. So,
not really healthy for
curriculumCorrect article usage
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if they are forced to study things they don't like.
, everybody is not keen to become scientists and engineers, some maybe want to become artists and others
wantAdd the particle
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be athletes.
, people who are interested in art will only want to learn artistic
onesCorrect pronoun usage
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who are intrigued
inChange preposition
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sports might be
more happyReplace the words
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to learn about how to improve in physical aspects.
, it will be really boring and
concentrationCorrect article usage
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abilities of
are likely to fall and
, they
will not get nothingRewrite the sentence
will not get anything
will get nothing
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from learning if they are only allowed to study
they don't have
aChange the article
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interest in.
Turning to the proponents of the latter one,
they Correct pronoun usage
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believe that if
want to learn about the
they want, they should be doing them in their free time since
like art and physical activities are already learned in high schools.
as science and technology are very important and have real
usagesReplace the word
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in real life.
, they should be taught only those
in universities and by virtue of that, it is likely to have a greater chance to solve any problems at work if they become adults as almost every
jobsFix the agreement mistake
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in the world
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
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based on
the Correct article usage
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science and technology.
, if
were allowed to learn whatever they want, it would deter the curriculum of universities.
To conclude, I am of the option of learning
which the
only prefer
both sides have their own pros and cons. It will not
looksChange the verb form
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like education if
are forced to learn the things that they don't want and every subject is as important as others.