There are many different points of view on what should be regarded as the most significant invention before the computer. Let us look at the phone in terms of a timesaving device and as a catalyst in the development of modern telecommunications.
, long-distance communication constitutes a substantial Linking Words
as well as
an indispensable part of the daily activities of modern man. Linking Words
For example
, the time, and Linking Words
money, saved by any business, irrespective of type or size, by using an effective telephone system is simply incalculable. From the housewife on a lonely farm in the Australian Outback to the greatest government, from workers and students to tycoons, all of us would get a great deal less done if not for the simple telephone.
Linking Words
, except for the wheel, the telephone, more than any other invention ever in history, has served as a catalyst for the development of an array of devices. Linking Words
For instance
, the greatest phenomenon of all time, the internet, came about Linking Words
as a result
of service providers using telephones to connect with each other. Linking Words
In addition
, new technology will soon result in videophones becoming a common piece of equipment in modern society. Linking Words
, the mobile phone, to name but one, has led to the birth of a number of complete industries, generating unprecedented wealth and in the process providing a livelihood for millions.
Because those tiny instruments are now taken for granted, we seldom realize the significance of what Mr Bell did. Linking Words
To conclude
, the phone is undoubtedly the most significant invention before the computer.Linking Words