Food travels thousands of miles from producers to consumers.Some people think that it would be better for the envionment and economy if people only ate the local food produced by farmers.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

These days, where everything can move around the world due to globalization,
is not an exception. It can be travelled a long distance from manufacturers to end-users. Few individuals opine that if individuals consume the local eatables, grown by farmers
it would be better for the atmosphere and economy. I disagree with the notion.
there are some issues associated with
phenomenon, they can be resolved.
To begin
with, there are multiple benefits behind the commuting of
items to different areas. The primary one is, that these days people have several choices to taste imported fruits and vegetables. To be more precise, they read about the importance of these items for their health on social media and get impressed with the nutrition.
, it opens a gateway of foreign exchange for the country and provides a platform for companies and businessmen.
be good for small farmers who do not get proper demand in their local areas.
For instance
, Mangoes grown in India are exported to the U.S.A. and sellers get an advantage since local production is too high to compete.
transportation helps the residents to have different country's commodities and increase the profit of producers On the flip side, certain communities are not in favour of
owing to numerous causes.
travelling burns fuel in aeroplanes and ships which is harmful to the atmosphere. The whole world is struggling to curb air and water pollution;
, many studies are being done to control
as using bio-fuel in flights.
, exporters exploit the local market and create a difficult scenario for native players. They cannot compete with multi-national ventures. To exemplify, a lot of apple producers in Kashmir are having difficulty to tackle with American exported Apples.
As a result
, their sales are being hampered;
, exporting helps the buyers to have good quality products as well as pushes local producers to improve their
to sell. To conclude,
contemporary era belongs to fast-moving. Travel of
has become a crucial part of it because of the demand in the international market.In my view ,while there are a few problems attached to it but new technology can assist to get rid of them.
Submitted by sourabhgr1 on

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