How to learn about
? It is a convoluted question that puzzles most human beings and even the smartest artificial intelligence in the world. Precisely speaking, there is no unique answer. As far as I am concerned, past events,
the Correct article usage
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suggestions from the closest people around, are the best instructions for you to steer your ship of
in the correct direction. The reasons are the following.
with, your
belongs to you, and that matters the most as you are the direct person
thatCorrect pronoun usage
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experiences it. No one, even your parents or siblings, can feel exactly how you feel. in that case, everything you feel through
the Correct article usage
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past events matters the most to you.
, whenever your
comes to a crossroads, it shall be your past experience that leads you the way to the choice you make.
, my friend Xiao Ming is a genius in film-making. At
anCorrect article usage
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age of 15, he used to write at least 2000 words criticising
thoseCorrect determiner usage
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techniques the directors
useWrong verb form
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for each movie he viewed. Before long, he became an expert in movie-making software applications. Several years ago, Xiao Ming finished his SAT and was facing a host of career choices. The previous habits and preferences reminded him that he had been showing great interest in movie-making, despite that not
a Add a missing verb
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great career to earn big bucks. Now, Xiao Ming is a famous movie director in China, and he never feels regretful about that choice.
, the suggestions from friends and relatives are relatively significant, but they shall not be the decisive factor in your choice. Since people's personalities, preferences and ideologies differ, the advice may be biased toward you
,Remove the comma
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might mislead you to a suboptimal decision that you will repent several years later.
, I am a postgraduate student with a major in business and finance. I always hold a grudge when doing assignments and tests. From my perspective, they are not my thing as my talents fall in the field of computer science. It was my father that tempted me to select
career for a greater amount of salary in the future and I listened to his idea. Now I am locked inside the business field: If I quit and jump to another sector, half of my teenage years
areWrong verb form
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squandered. I always feel regretful about the naive decision I made.
To summarise,
self experiencesAdd a hyphen
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are always prioritised
toChange preposition
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the advice of family and friends in my opinion. I hope
essay can give those who are making an important
decision some enlightenment.