You have received a letter from your bank, asking you to acknowledge receipt of a new bank card. However, the card was missing from the envelope. Write a letter to the bank's head office. In your letter, » explain why you are writing » express concern about the missing card » ask them what they intend to do
Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing in response to the latest received letter. It mentions that I must acknowledge the receipt of my new bank
, whereas I have not received it previously.
On Monday the 12th, I did get a pouch with an envelope from the BNP Paribas Group. The envelope was with my name mentioning the pin code, address and my bank account details. Use synonyms
, there was no credit Linking Words
inside which I have previously purchased and the edge of the envelope was damaged. I am highly concerned regarding Use synonyms
issue, it is critical for me to get the Linking Words
in immediate order and I am afraid of possible fraud to my funds.
I would appreciate your assistance in resolving Use synonyms
case and I demand the Linking Words
Use synonyms
be blocked and send to my home address Fix the infinitive
week. If Linking Words
that is
not possible for some reason, I assert an instruction with explanations of what will be done and a description with Linking Words
steps that should be done from my side.
Best Regards
Mark TwainLinking Words
Submitted by vktory45 on
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