Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that in today`s world subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. Discuss both of these views and give your opinion.

It is believed by many that
is a prime course compared to Mechanization and computers, while others are of contrary opinion. In
essay, I will be talking about both views and
giving reasons why I feel science subjects are of greater use than History.
To begin
, subjects like History tells us about our heritage and past thereby making us appreciate ourselves more.
For example
, the history of Nigeria is taught under the
curriculum and as
makes citizens acknowledge and know the significance of its independence,
resulting in the love and unity in the nation.
In addition
, non-scientific lessons tend to elaborate on the culture and total way of life of the people.
For instance
, the
students of Bayelsa schools are taught the various lifestyles of the eight local governments in the state thereby enabling them to speak the various languages and songs of the people and
has led to the preservation of their culture.
, irrespective of the numerous benefits
has shown to man, I am of the opinion that mechanics have proven to be more relevant.
, the urbanization of many cities has been made possible due to the basic knowledge gotten from it. A case scenario is the building of the London Bridge that was made possible by the architectural design of science studied in a school which has led to enabling the pedestrians to cross the London ocean without a boat.
, it has made communication easier as we can now talk to anyone in the world with telephones as
is a product of computerization that would not have been made possible by non-engineering studies.
, professions like Medicine have improved over time due to the modernization of robotics as we now have prosthetic body parts to help amputees thereby solving the problem of incomplete body parts. In conclusion, in as much as non-machinery topics learnt in institutions have proven to be important as they preserve our identity and heritage. The telecommunication theme as well cannot be overlooked as its benefits to man are myriad and as
proves that it is more significant than its counterpart.
Submitted by alaboemmanuel20 on

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