People often migrate to a different region to seek their
studies or job. Though there is no denying fact that the phenomenon of settling down in a place which is far away from their birthplace or where they grew up is ubiquitous worldwide due to its significance. Linking Words
phenomenon has more advantages than drawbacks though the negatives of the same can not be overlooked and my arguments will be discussed in the ensuing paragraph.
To embark on, it is extremely necessary for individuals to seek an occupation in order to fulfil their livelihood. Linking Words
and foremost, people cannot find their field-related jobs in the same zone where they live, and commuting to a metro city every day is not an easy task. Linking Words
For instance
, people in padgha use public transport to reach Mumbai, it takes approximately 5 hours which can be burdensome to manage their time. As a consequence, it will be an easy-breezy task for them if they relocate themself to a place nearby their workplace. Another benefit is, is they can focus more on their studies and it can Linking Words
assist them in their holistic development.
On the dark side, some drawbacks can complicate the scenario. Linking Words
For example
, individuals who stay away from their place tend to lose their culture. Linking Words
In addition
, it has been analysed that staying away from the home town have less bond with their family.
In conclusion to the above statement, though it is a mixed bag of positives and negatives. It has more pros to the statement.Linking Words