Lots of products that are vital for daily consumption are produced in different
and they need to be transported far away from their sources inasmuch as the economical policies. Use synonyms
, there are some advantages and disadvantages associated with the topic. In my opinion, the positive aspects take precedence over the drawbacks.
On the one hand, while many goods are distributed to different locations around the world, there are some disadvantages due to long-distance transportation. Linking Words
For example
, considering global warming, as one of the controversial issues in recent years, greenhouse gases are rising due to heavy vehicle commuting. They produce harmful gases like CO2. Linking Words
In addition
, while traffic jams and pollution are increasing, Linking Words
makes the earth's planet warmer as a consequence.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, many individuals argue that it is beneficial to supply some of the daily consumable goods from abroad or export them to other regions due to the economical circumstances. Linking Words
For instance
, while each area has a special climate, Linking Words
are able to exchange their agricultural products. As an example, watermelons need lots of water to grow and can be produced by individuals who live in rainforest areas rather than in dry Use synonyms
, which would be expensive for them. Use synonyms
, more women and men in less developed Linking Words
will be occupied due to the demands.
In conclusion, since products for daily basics have been transported for a long distance from their original sources due to economical policies, governments might encounter some issues. Use synonyms
, in my opinion, the pros are more than the disadvantages. Linking Words
As a result
, not only many poor people can be hired around the world but Linking Words
individuals can reap the benefits from certain zones due to their special climates and pay less money for that matter.Linking Words