It is an undeniable truth that health issues are drastically inclined in every country. Many societies opine that illness can be treated in traditional ways
treatment. I disagree with
essay intends to explain
points in
ensuingCorrect article usage
show examples
and foremost
the Correct article usage
show examples
reason is that there
areChange the verb form
show examples
a Correct article usage
show examples
numerous unknown
sideFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Effects can
be occurChange the verb form
show examples
through spiritual therapies. Because people do not have much knowledge and information about herbal
, there are chances
toChange preposition
show examples
illness getting worse. Another concrete cause is that
a Correct article usage
show examples
givenAdd a missing verb
show examples
by doctors.
DoctorAdd an article
show examples
can give proper guidance and instructions about medicine.
they instruct
drugFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in a proper amount.
it is trustworthy to take
a Correct article usage
show examples
withChange preposition
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
doctorsChange noun form
show examples
todaysChange to a genitive case
show examples
medicine can give a faster relief as compared
to Change preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
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homemade remedies. According to the surveillance,
newAdd an article
show examples
is preferChange the verb form
show examples
treatment due to faster and
Add a hyphen
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long lastingAdd a hyphen
show examples
effectFix the agreement mistake
show examples
are administerChange the verb form
show examples
a Correct the article-noun agreement
show examples
new technological devices and
an equipmentRemove the article
a piece of equipment
show examples
patientAdd an article
show examples
can alleviate their problem in
a Correct article usage
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comfortable and
an Correct the article-noun agreement
show examples
efficient ways.
, nowadays many before
a Correct article usage
show examples
are preferred to give
to give Remove the redundancy
show examples
an Remove the article
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anesthesiaChange the spelling
show examples
. .
, the person can complete surgery without any pain.
traditional remedies are
an Change the article
show examples
affordable for the communities.
, it is not only taken by wealthy people but
poor people.
but not least, the
civilizationReplace the word
show examples
doChange the verb form
show examples
not have to go
hospitalChange preposition
show examples
. They can get medicine whenever and
where’reUnnecessary verb
show examples
they want.
concludedChange the form of the verb
show examples
, I restate my opinion that both ways are profitable.
, I believe that new therapies are much better to get better health. Because they are much faster and
convenientCorrect quantifier usage
show examples
the Remove the article
show examples
everyCorrect quantifier usage
show examples