Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It has been discussed whether the primary purpose of
is to enjoy or to educate. In
essay, I will discuss both notions and explain why I believe the latter is more right.
To begin
with, there are educational merits associated with most
, historical
, which display a range of historical arts, including pictures, sculptures, and videos, are historically informative and well-visualised to visitors, especially the youth.
For example
, many school trips for students are arranged to visit
once in a while to learn about historical events with high-quality demonstrations from the tour instructors.
In addition
, local citizens and tourists can learn about the culture, activities, or lifestyle of cities when visiting the city museum displaying documentary audio and movies.
, I deem that more visitors would prefer to enjoy the arts than educate themselves while attending any exhibition. It is because artistic products take years to build and complete. While you may learn a new idea and perspective, the majority will benefit more by enjoying the creativity of those than by trying to learn and mimic them. It could be,
for instance
, a picture of an uncommon genre like juxtaposition or a mechanical art that applies scientific mechanism.
, should be the places for tourists to witness outstanding and magnificent exhibitions they have never seen before. In conclusion, with the aforementioned, despite the educational benefits, the artwork has more entertaining and relaxing aspects associated with it.
, visitors should spend their time at
to enjoy the superb exhibitions.
Submitted by jakedth162 on

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