For all children,the ability to play a musical instrument is just as important as the ability to read and write.How far do you agree with this suggestion?How important it is for a child to learn to play a musical instrument in your view?

It is important to consider how much money is spent on the education of adolescents nowadays.
some people opine that learning a musical instrument is as critical as reading and writing, others argue that playing
instruments is irrelevant in today's world. In
essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and explain my support for the latter opinion. On the
hand, some people believe that the ability to play a musical apparatus,
as the guitar, is paramount. The reason for
is that
can allow anyone to sustain oneself by becoming professionally employed. To illustrate
point, an individual can make their ends meet by playing professionally at, let us say, a bar or a club or a wedding, warranting him to save for a rainy day.
, a report in one of the gazette newspapers suggested that playing any musical instrument can enhance mental capability.
On the other hand
, I would argue that the ability to play any musical apparatus is not much important in today's fast-paced life. It is because of the fact that reading and writing can help a man to develop their own opinions and form extraordinary conscience
, helping him to make a plethora of prudent decisions throughout his life.
For example
, an educated man can invest in the stock market and make hundreds of dollars overnight without having to work professionally.
In contrast
, if children are left illiterate in their early childhood, many of them would face a dozen challenges growing up. In conclusion, while the capability to play a musical apparatus,
as the piano, can help an individual to sustain himself, being able to read and write can allow a person to develop better conscience
financial freedom. In my opinion, the ability to read and write is more crucial than playing the guitar.
Submitted by utsavchandel26sep on

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