believe that allowing outsiders from other nations and employing them within a country could cause serious issues for native
but I completely disagree with
notion due to the fact that a nation’s economy would be empowered whenever new talent gets hired and given an
On the one hand, every nation’s
priority is to enhance the lifestyle and
promotingWrong verb form
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which are critical factors for
economyAdd an article
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, entrepreneurs are desperate about reducing expenses by hiring native
employees are not interested in carrying out
Add an article
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jobFix the agreement mistake
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due to variety of reasons like lifestyle choices, that prevent them from fulfilling their roles and responsibilities which ultimately results into poor productivity, disastrous work outcomes and financial losses.
situations will be alleviated whenever foreign workers have given opportunities because they possess desired skillset, domain expertise,
highCorrect word choice
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potential and they are capable of carrying out jobs within the same budget as that of domestic
employeeFix the agreement mistake
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which would be an ideal fit for businesses.
foreign job seekers are eagerly waiting for
opportunities abroad and would be willing to relocate to another country as
would be helpful for them not only to gain experience and broaden their horizons but
to learn
foreignChange preposition
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the Correct article usage
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Microsoft and Google hire foreign workers frequently because they are equally capable and competent as that
of Change preposition
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their onsite
counterpartFix the agreement mistake
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, social relations will be strengthened by exchanging knowledge and experiences when outsiders interact & live alongside
with Change preposition
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It is
essential to focus on
implicationsCorrect article usage
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of employing foreign workers along with remedies. The government should work closely with employers to ensure that native citizens should not be impacted either financially or mentally while inviting & employing outsiders within a nation as
could lead to economic downfall if not managed properly.
, employers should assure that every employee’s rights are respected and preserved and they have been given equal opportunities as per their interest levels while mitigating the demand and supply of resources. The government should provide health care and education facilities to
which will ensure talent retention.
, New Zealand, Australia and Canada countries have provincial permanent residency immigration programs in place that not only attracts
talentedAdd an article
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crowd but
provides them numerous benefits including free health care & free education.
the Correct article usage
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unemployment is the most common issue for each nation and it can be resolved when
rightCorrect article usage
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education and training programs
putAdd a missing verb
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into place but
is not a panacea for all as
should be qualified enough to meet the criteria of
respectiveAdd an article
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organizationFix the agreement mistake
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, the government of
UnitedCorrect article usage
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Kingdom has implemented internships and training programs which have empowered millions of
to gain daily wages but still unemployment rate has not been nullified.
In conclusion, each corporation’s strength is
strongAdd an article
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workforce and
theirCorrect pronoun usage
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success depends on healthy work culture, excellent throughput, collaboration, cultural diversity along with optimistic thought
processFix the agreement mistake
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. In fact,
the Correct article usage
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employmentReplace the word
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must be encouraged as it will help the nation and
to grow and prosper.