In modern times, credit cards and loans are used very frequently, and a lot of people have large debts that they can not repay. The conventional wisdom is that it will be easier to repay if a group of families borrow together. I am in two minds about
, while I agree with Linking Words
common opinion, I believe that it will not cause problems if a person has enough money or a constant budget.
In fact, it is more profitable to borrow and repay credits when it is done with friends. Even if two people have one loan, each of them pays only half of the credit. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
of paying ten thousand dollars, both will pay five thousand dollars. Linking Words
, the more people in the group, the easier it will be to repay the debt.
Another possibility to safely borrow would be having a sufficient amount of cash to repay the credit. When an individual has a lot of money, he/she can repay it at that moment. Linking Words
Linking Words
apply citizens who have stable salaries Add a comma
can distribute money according to needs. Correct word choice
For example
, if a person has to pay $10000 to a bank for 2 years and one has a salary of thousand dollars, he/she will have to allocate two-fifths of the wage.
In conclusion, before taking out a loan and being in the red, in my view, the key point is to calculate wages so that to have enough cash to pay for everything Linking Words
that is
needed.Linking Words
Mezun 2023