in their advertising, nowadays businesses usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. why is this? do you think it is a positive or negative development?

these days, most companies benefit from advertising in order to absorb customers' attention. one of the key factors in ads is to assert
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a certain characteristic of a commodity which is new. there are several reasons that lead advertisers to use
method. in my opinion, it can be considered
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both positive and negative development in some ways. many commentators justifiably argue that there are a lot of causes that make producers emphasise the novelty of their goods.
, they are able to show their superiority in comparison to their rivals.
, they are more likely to convince customers to purchase their products.
, as people prefer to try new things so as to increase their well-being, asserting distinctive aspects of commodities may satisfy individuals’ desires.
for instance
, when a woman watches an advertisement about a new version of a vacuum cleaner that shows the ability to detect spots automatically, they are encouraged to buy it. while if they do not aware of
feature, they are less likely to order it.
change in advertising
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is positive and negative progress simultaneously. on the one hand, having to show a new aspect of goods makes businesses improve their technology.
in other words
, they are more likely to invent new things.
as a result
, people's lives will become easier and there their welfare would increase.
on the other hand
, in some cases, advertisers deceive clients with false claims. a beautiful club in the US,
for example
, introduced a new method of skin therapy a few years ago. many celebrities used it at high prices, but later it turned out that they only used starch which was not new or expensive. in conclusion, stressing new attributes of a product has become ordinary in the ads market due to the reasons mentioned above.
, I personally believe that it can have affirmative and adverse effects on our lives so people should be aware of those impacts.
Submitted by m.tasan on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • emphasise
  • advertising
  • products
  • innovation
  • competitive strategy
  • consumer dissatisfaction
  • value
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