Many people are using credit cards or loans to run up huge personal debts that they may be unable to repay. It should, therefore, be made more difficult for individuals to borrow large amounts of money. What are your opinions on this? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your knowledge or experience.
prefer to pay approximately all their payments with the banking instruments
like credit cards
and loans
. Because, there are numerous benefits such
as the ability to long-term debt payments, diminished carrying of cash, easily affordable luxuries and usefulness for online shopping. However
, overusing cards
and loans
have negative influences. I strongly believe that moderate use of these instruments
is more precious.
Modern financial equipment aims to reach every potential customer to maximise their gains. İn this
context, they provide an easy connection to financial tools. Especially, individuals would prefer to use loans
to buy needs like cars and houses. Nowadays, people
prefer to use banking materials for their payment
advantages. To begin
with, there is no need for cash for expenses. For example
, the payment
like credit cards
ensure payment
without money
. Specifically, the cards
can be used on every corner of shopping. Additionally
, modern shopping is done on the internet and cards
are an inseparable part of shopping activities. Moreover
, long-term credits are the best method for the banking sector, as they provide the division of the debt as a monthly payment
. For instance
, if a person desires to have a car and house and has no cash, banking loans
make it easy to reach this
On the other hand, payment
by card has disadvantages. First
, society is not able to save income for future purposes. To illustrate, credits and loans
have a negative influence on people
's feelings, because extra money
in pocket force people
to spend money
. Second
, the stress of payment
is very important for a person's psychology. People
always consider on payment
of liabilities and their health of them could be under the threat by overthinking.
İn conclusion, although
financial instruments
may provide materials affordable, overusing them has disadvantages. I fiercely consider society should be careful about more spending money
.Submitted by evren on
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