All parents want the best opportunities for their children. There are some people who think schools should teach children skills but others think having a range of subjects is better for the children's future. Discuss both views and give your opinion. taught various subjects at schools.

Many people believe that skills
is necessary for the development of a children’s future. There are others who firmly argue that having various subjects is essential to build children’s lives. Every parent wants to give the best
to their kids, so they have a big dilemma which makes up conflict among them. In
essay, I will explain that learning different topics will play an important role in their adult lives.
, handcrafted knowledge is important in today’s
. Most countries need skilled workers for their big factories.
there are huge demands for them, they don’t find easily experienced workers who have the requirements of the job.
, if they got a skill
in their school lives, they would be convenient resources.
For example
, an auto factory in Germany
Remove the comma
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needs a high-level worker, if they don't, they have to teach the job them, which leads to causes safety and economic problems.
, having knowledge about science is a more important factor nowadays. Problems of the
are enormous
we have to provide creative solutions, so pupils need various subject
In addition
, they gain excellent benefits from it because they improve their vision versatilely.
For instance
, in the medieval age pupils were taught a range of subjects
they create a better
. In conclusion, school
is a very sensitive topic which we have to think about considerably. If we want to thrive in our
and ıf want to solve our problems with geo-engineering, we have to give a range of topics to our children. It will be better for everybody.
Submitted by ibrahimccet on

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