It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is neccesary to help them learn this distinction. To what extend do you agree or disagree? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

is the prior concern of the entire society. In the process to learn what is right and what is wrong, it is believed that
is inevitable. I agree with the statement that punishing application is one of the efficient ways to educate young
. The essay will analyse how
helps to form their perception and personality as well as will introduce physical exercises associated with lessons to support
, juveniles should be punished if they have inappropriate actions because
will help to shape their attitudes and behaviours in their growing up stage.
For example
, Asian parents always punish their sons or daughters strictly if they are disrespectful to seniors or when they behave in discipline ways and undermine other people.
As a result
in Asian nations unconsciously know that if they act wrongly, they will receive a corresponding
contributes to avoiding wrong actions,
as committing a crime. There are various kinds of punishments that can be allowed to use in teaching a child to behave well as long as not affect their physical and mental health. Introducing physical exercises accompanied by lessons will be suitable for minors.
For example
, Vietnamese parents and teachers require
who make mistakes to run around the schoolyard or do push-ups after talking sessions about their faults.
not only lets them know that what they did is wrong but
informs them of the price of inappropriate actions.
In addition
type of
will gradually accomplish
's cognition and enhance their physical strength. In conclusion, to help juveniles distinguish right and wrong,
is undeniably a necessary tool and doing exercises associated with lessons should be used to support
by parents and teachers.
Submitted by thaothanh1323 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • distinction between right and wrong
  • moral and ethical behavior
  • corporal punishment
  • time-outs
  • loss of privileges
  • accountability
  • proportionate punishment
  • reflect on actions
  • positive reinforcement
  • encourage good behavior
  • balanced approach
  • open communication
  • reasoning
  • consequences of actions
  • consistency
  • mixed messages
  • discipline
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