Some people say it is important to keep your home and your workplace tidy, with everything organised and in the correct place. What is your opinion about this?

It is believed by certain individuals that houses and job stations must be clean and well organized. In my opinion, if daily necessary objects are in the right place
it saves time and easy to manage space
essay will
elaborate my views for favouring the positive impact and
will lead to a logical conclusion. Analyzing the statement and explaining
, if a home is tidy and organized
one can feel energetic and fresh. While completing daily chores saves some hours.
For instance
, if all the cooking ingredients and pans are placed on the kitchen shelf
early morning cooking multiple dishes at the same pace becomes easy for working women. Another striking benefit is hygiene, which prevents the spreading of diseases like Typhoid fever, Cholera, malaria etc by insects like cockroaches and mosquitoes. Open food packages on a kitchen platform can attract cockroaches and they can contaminate them. Moving
, if the workstation is properly kept
it helps to work in a hassle-free environment.
For example
, on , a desk if there are too many twisted charging cables
it will take daily some minutes to free them. In the ,end it is waste of time and ,
it can create some damage to a laptop or mobile phone. A person can spend that time creating a daily task list and prioritising them based on urgency level. So, after ,completion it will boost his confidence level as well as increase his chances of growth. In conclusion to the arguments aforementioned above, one can reach the gist that the advantages of cleanliness are indeed too great. Once it becomes a habit for a person
more opportunity doors will be open for their professional and personal growth.
Submitted by ppudhav.3 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • organised
  • clutter-free
  • productivity
  • mental clarity
  • efficiency
  • professionalism
  • first impressions
  • ergonomics
  • aesthetically pleasing
  • compulsive neatness
  • functional space
  • minimising distractions
  • systematic arrangement
  • time management
  • work-life balance
  • streamline
  • feng shui
  • optimal performance
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