Some people think that governments should only focus their spending on public services, and they claim that spending on arts is a waste of money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It has been disputable that the authority should only spend
building public facilities,
in contrast
, expenditure on arts is a waste of
. I agree with
statement. In the following paragraphs, I am going to discuss my viewpoints.
To begin
with, a successful government need to put effort into people-oriented amenities, social welfare, and improvement of life quality.
As a result
, expenditure on
is not important relatively. For the majority of people, convenient public transportation, pension payment for the elderly and subsidies for technology improvement are more essential and helpful to their daily lives.
In addition
, there are a lot of issues we are facing now. The government has to give priority to the most compelling issues that may affect people’s survival.
For instance
, in a poor country like Congo, civil wars and conflicts occur every day. The nation lacks the necessities like water, clothing and public health systems. It is so urgent to empower civilians to make their lives better and changed which
can not do.
activities usually require a lot of funds which is affordable only for rich people.
For example
, the courses in dancing, music, painting or the tickets to opera, and concerts cost a massive amount of
that only wealthy civilians have the ability to enjoy them. The investment in
does not benefit
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the population in the county. In conclusion, spending on
does not benefit people’s everyday lives like social welfare and public facilities do.
, not all people can get access to or enjoy
because it is very expensive.
As a result
, the nation is supposed to spend
on public services
Submitted by Yuting20722 on

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