Some people work for the same organisation all their working life. Others think that it is better to work for different organisations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Whereas some individuals choose to remain employed by the same companies for most of their careers, others argue that it is more beneficial to switch employers often. In my opinion, it is of the most importance, to try out many jobs throughout our working life in order to gain
knowledge. Interestingly enough, life experience gained from having many employers has proven to positively influence young professionals.
is because mental skills that are essential for one position could be useless for another and
, professionals need to constantly adapt to all kinds of challenges, which enhances their mental abilities.
For instance
, it has been researched that youngsters developed a more mature perspective of the world after working for a 2-year period for different employers.
, due to the knowledge accrued from different job experiences, people can overcome adversity far easier than those who spent most of their life in the same job.
On the other hand
, building antiquity in the same firm for many
has shown several benefits and perks attained by those in senior positions. In many Argentinean law firms,
for example
, lawyers who had spent 10
working for the same company were rewarded with trips to anywhere in the world with all expenses covered. In most developed nations, senior skilled workers are praised not only with prestige and recognition but
with high-paying wages.
, these citizens often miss out on important life-changing lessons that others learn from working for different organizations. To conclude, keeping the same job for
or changing it every few
is a controversial conversation in our society. I strongly believe that in order to learn better skills and
enhance their mental abilities, people should seek new employment every two
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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Longevity
  • Corporate ladder
  • Adaptability
  • Comfort zone
  • Professional network
  • Diverse skill set
  • Industry exposure
  • Innovation
  • Resilience
  • Seniority
  • Job market
  • Career trajectory
  • Company culture
  • Professional growth
  • Job security
  • Promotion prospects
  • Cross-functional experience
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