Your local council is considering closing a sport and leisure centre that it runs, in order to save money. Write a letter to the local council, in your letter, - Give details of how you and your friends or family use the centre. - Explain the why the centre is important for the local community. - Describe the possible effects on local people if the centre closed.

Dear Sir, I am writing
letter in response to news that I heard on a local tv channel about the shutdown of the STC play centre so that city can save money. When I heard it I was surprised that it will be closed after 2 months. I would like to share that
is the one and only
centre in Scarborough and all the local people use it for various
facilities like basketball, soccer ,cricket and many more. the adults go there for morning and evening walks to meet the other people in the community.
, leisure centres are blessings for young individuals to play all types of
. I and my friends go there to play cricket as you know it is not much popular in Canada but
year a trophy championship was organised by the local community and it was won by our team ,Leo.Now we have 10 teams participating
year for the championship If the
centre is closed it will create an adverse effect on teens and adults as they will become obese due to less exercise and we will not be able to have a healthy society. please reconsider the decision as all local community from the city of Scarborough will be thankful and it helps to enjoy
facilities in the city Yours Sincerely, Nigel
Submitted by abcxyz on

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