We live in an age when criminals are highly prone to re-offend against the law after being released from prison. Owing to the fact that the motion has always been vigorously debated, in
essay, I will discuss low-quality rehabilitation services and lack of practical experience as the main reasons
ofChange preposition
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the problem, as well as possible solutions, including improving a system, aimed at prisoner’s moral compass recovery, and teaching them specific job skills.
with, integrating an individual back into
the Correct article usage
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society is, indeed, one
theChange preposition
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most vital aims of a penitentiary,
of Change preposition
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facilities fail to reach the goal either due to
the Correct article usage
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limited financing or lack of management capabilities.
, being imprisoned in small spaces, where dullness, constant physical and emotional abuse, lack of activities and lifeless eyes of fellow detainees create an oppressive atmosphere, which not only does not contribute to the culprits’ recovery
,Remove the comma
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grows hatred and fierce in them. An increasing number of news reporting about violence toward those serving their sentence should serve as an evident example of
the Correct article usage
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, it is
a common knowledgeRemove the article
common knowledge
a piece of common knowledge
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, crimes are generally committed under
some Correct quantifier usage
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certain circumstances,
as poverty. After leaving prison,
humanCorrect article usage
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being finds him or
herselfCorrect pronoun usage
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right where it all started with no money or support, and
Add a missing verb
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labeledChange the spelling
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by a local community as a menace and outsider with no job opportunities. Undoubtfully,
personCorrect article usage
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is very likely to break the law again.
To my way of thinking,
developmentCorrect article usage
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an interventionsCorrect the article-noun agreement
an intervention
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set, aimed at re-educating criminals in terms of
ethicFix the agreement mistake
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and morality, teaching them wrong from right, is urgently needed. To set an example, they can be offered sessions with a psychologist to cope with potential childhood trauma,
thatCorrect word choice
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of Change preposition
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the Correct article usage
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law-breakers suffer from. What is more, culprits should be given a model of the appropriate
behavioralChange the spelling
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patterns, commonly accepted in
the Correct article usage
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society, as well as explained carefully that the result of following
model is a decent life in a normally functioning community. It is crucial for a criminal to be treated with respect and have
a Correct article usage
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hope for being happy after release
,Remove the comma
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if only he or she lives within the law.
but not least, it is highly recommended to train individuals with useful professional skills, required to gain
an Remove the article
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employment, plumber or tailor could be a great idea
,Remove the comma
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since these are occupations in
a Remove the article
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constant high demand.
Taking into account everything mentioned above, I am firmly convinced that the authorities will not be able to tackle
issue, unless they upgrade correctional facilities for the sentenced ones, along with motivating them to acquire new practical
knowledgesChange the wording
pieces of knowledge
bits of knowledge
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laborChange the spelling
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