Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

What the course selection qualifications are is a controversial issue. While some believe that all admission can choose to study a subject whatever they like at the university, others assume that subjects should be chosen for
use. I am inclined to believe that admission is free to select any subjects he wants. On the one hand, college students must realize that their favourite courses may not provide an occupation for the
. Unfortunately, they must face
, they should be encouraged to courses that will be useful in the
. In some cases,
encouragement may be better for them.
For instance
, there are many companies that want to hire college admission who graduated with computer science.
, the worker in these types of departments earns more than other employees.
, corporations provide job satisfaction by paying more.
On the other hand
, It is better for students to focus on the area they are interested in because course selection affects their lives of them. If they are redirected to an unrelated field they are more likely to fail.
, their motivation is to reduce over time.
, they should be supported with study subjects whatever they like.
For instance
, some kids want to be an artist
as musicians, painters or sculptors, when they grow up. If they are sufficiently supported by the people around them, they will both be successful in
business and happy. In conclusion, all students should have the freedom to select their own courses, even though doing so is crucial for the
, it is predictable that the number of enlistment who study whatever they like will increase.
Submitted by bengisuzeynep7510 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • foster
  • engagement
  • excel
  • innovative contributions
  • diversity in research
  • well-rounded education
  • broad perspectives
  • critical thinking skills
  • mental well-being
  • burnout
  • forced academic paths
  • job-ready
  • skills shortages
  • tech-driven economy
  • employment rates
  • changing job market
  • utilitarian subjects
  • aptitudes
  • wasting talent
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