You have just an article in a national newspaper which claims that town centres in your country all look very similar to each other you don't fully agree with this opinion Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper in your letter say which points in the article you about explain ways in which year Town Centre is different from most other towns centres offer to give a guided tour of your Town Centre to the writer of the article

Dear sir/madam, I am writing
letter to express my disagreement with your article that was published on 15th May in ' times' about town centres ' s appearance in the city. It is quite appreciative that you mentioned that our city centre has a quite good number of town buildings.
, I am totally disappointed that it is mentioned that they all look similar . In reality , their architectural design and construction method have been adopted from European art. No doubt, they have become quite old so maybe that ' s the reason they might look
Correct article usage
the same
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to you. I invite you to come again to our city town for a tour.
time , I will give you accompany and explain all the historical background , structural information and its importance in the country's history. Wait to hear from you soon with the acceptance of my proposal. Yours sincerely, ABC
Submitted by pandheraman89 on

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