Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or diagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

Some people believe that using fossil fuels in cars is one of the main reasons for air pollution.
, we should decrease petrol consumption in several ways including rising its cost.
it can provide a better condition, I think the authorities must consider other factors in the long term. In the following essay, my reasons will be mentioned and
I will suggest other pivotal solutions.
To begin
with, there isn't any deniable fact that carbon emissions can cause several negative effects on our environment. It has damaged air and water sources and
many plant and animal species have been endangered as well particularly a few decades ago.
, it's an indispensable duty of governments to make some strict laws to restrict the amount of fossil fuel consumption as the main reason for pollution.
For instance
, they can increase the price of those or allocate a certain amount of them for everyone in a month which lead to reducing carbon emissions.
, the authorities should investigate other factors as well.
and foremost, they should educate people to recycle some house waste like paper and glass.
, it should be recommended to walk or ride a bicycle to work and a place of study because it can affect our energy consumption positively and
it might help solve traffic congestion. In conclusion, if the governments want to tackle the traffic and weather issues, they should consider all aspects mentioned including educational programs for people and making laws to inhibit overconsumption.
Submitted by aminyari888 on

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