It is sometimes claimed that the best way of reducing the rate of unemployment is giving a smartphone with Internet access to all folks who are seeking an occupation and the government should pay for it from the community’s taxes. I absolutely disagree with
statement. And
assayCorrect your spelling
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will extensively explain reasons to support my opinion based on real-life examples.
It is totally wrong to place a premium on contributing a mobile to
employedAdd an article
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individual for finding an appropriate vocation is a strategic mistake due to the following reasons.
, the majority of unemployed persons are not able to use
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smartphoneFix the agreement mistake
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and it is practically impossible to teach
theCorrect your spelling
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how to work with them within a short period of time.
, albeit nowadays a great number of people are familiar with new technologies, in most cases they fail to fulfil in getting along with surfing the Internet in order to find a suitable occupation.
, it is
irrationalAdd an article
an irrational
the irrational
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expectation from elderly job seekers to take advantage of phones like younger generations and deal with job websites easily, as in many cases those sites are tricky things even for youngsters.
to provideChange the verb form
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all jobless individuals with cells will cost the government a huge amount of public money, which is unacceptable.
of investing
intoChange preposition
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publicAdd an article
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healthcare system, educational system, or helping handicapped members of
the authorities will channel
money to people who are not able to get
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jobFix the agreement mistake
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byChange preposition
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their own.
, it will lead to a weaker position in the country’s infrastructure and poor satisfying the essential needs of society.
, increasing the cost of providing mobiles can possibly contribute to a shortage of funds for education aspect which has
unbelievableChange the word
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bad effects on the future of the country.
In a nutshell, analyzing the above, we can conclude that
some persons strongly believe that
by Change preposition
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giving cell phones and internet access to
vocationReplace the word
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seekers is the best way of decreasing the number of
out of Change preposition
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worksFix the agreement mistake
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. I claim that it is
absolutelyAdd an article
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ineffective approach to solving the existing problem