Some people are of the opinion that children should be rewarded for good behaviour. Others think they should be punished for bad behaviour. Discuss both views and give your personal opinion and reasons.

When it comes to children's
, a group of people believe rewards are perfect to give when children make good deeds
on the other hand
, others think that punishment can be given to
who conduct bad
. In
essay, I will discuss how gifts are a good option as an encouragement for keeping the noble personality whilst getting them punished for wrongdoing is not always the right option for
To begin
with, pupils are easily happy and satisfied with presents,
to hand them rewards for acting positively can be beneficial.
, they oftentimes have no idea if their behaviour is positive or negative, so gifts can signal them that they
Wrong verb form
are doing
show examples
the right thing,
encouraging them to do more of it in the future.
, presents should be kept simple in order to avoid turning their orientation to the other direction when behaving well.
For instance
, they can be rewarded with chocolate or ice cream
of expensive electronic devices when they help their
with domestic chores. On the other side, when their
are going south, punishment is not suitable to warn and give them lessons because sometimes
are not aware that they punish their children so hard to the extent it becomes traumatic and has the potential to damage the little's mental health.
of learning from their past mistakes, they can turn to be rebellious outside the house and lash out at their friends at school or in other circumstances
as hitting other
since they are always punished when doing so at home. As an alternative,
can communicate their way through words so the little ones can fully understand the things they can or can not do. In conclusion, despite the importance of making
aware of their
, the action should be made subtle so that it will not change the
' intention when behaving positively and jeopardize their mental well-being which can trigger worse gestures
Submitted by hpanduhimawan on

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Task Response
The essay addresses the topic by discussing both views on rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior in children. Ensure to provide a clear and direct response to the question in each paragraph to enhance task achievement.
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Overall, the essay has good coherence and cohesion with logical progression of ideas. To further improve coherence, organize the main points in a more structured and coherent manner to enhance overall clarity and flow of the essay.
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