Some people believe that teenagers should focus on all school subjects. But others believe that teenagers should focus on the subject that they are good at or that they find the most interest. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

There is an ongoing debate regarding, teenagers' education policies. a group of individuals believe that teenagers should compulsory focus on all school
, others argue that
put their focus on their interesting
essay will discuss both opinions before the logical conclusion. Examining the former opinion, the primary argument would put forward is teenagers should learn all the
is because it provides all the necessary and basic knowledge in our daily routine. in , adding they
believe that after secondary education, a student has enough maturity to choose interesting
for example
in India
after passing the
tenth grade
Add a hyphen
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should have the freedom to choose whatever subject they need.
on the contrary
, those in favour of the latter opinion have their own arguments.
To begin
with, they claim that
should focus on their interesting subject
Correct pronoun usage
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will help them to achieve their dreams and concentrate on their goals. to be precise one could work on his interesting field with full energy and better results would be expected.
for instance
, one who chooses the profession in their own interest even if it is marketing or R&D. will shine in his field. In conclusion, providing equal time and importance to all
will help in the overall growth.
, the latter view has one-dimensional development.
, I strongly appreciate the study of all
rather than some specified ones.
Submitted by madhavansubase on

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Your opinion

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Comprehensive education
  • Specialization
  • Well-rounded
  • Motivation
  • Foundational knowledge
  • Significant contributions
  • Narrow focus
  • Limited perspective
  • Adaptability
  • Economic benefits
  • Balanced approach
  • Foundational education
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