Nowadays, society considers
as a way to pursue contentment.
differChange the verb form
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from one person to the other, if we
lookingWrong verb form
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at the perspective of
world'sCorrect article usage
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system today, we can not hide the fact that many aspects of
only can be afforded by using
In the
Add an article
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humanFix the agreement mistake
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does not use
but they used a barter system to exchange different objects
but Correct word choice
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with the same value. For
the Correct article usage
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example, if a farmer needs protein for their food but does not have the chance to go hunting, they could barter their crops with meat from the hunter who
doChange the verb form
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hunting. It is considered equal exchange if both parties agreed on the same terms and it benefits both of them.
, when the exchange system become more complex and the item
intoChange preposition
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a tremendous degree,
the Correct article usage
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society thought there has to be some kind of intricate and detailed scheme to support
bornAdd a missing verb
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from that.
Civilization changes
withinChange preposition
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centuries, which affected how
publicCorrect article usage
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foreseeCorrect subject-verb agreement
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needs developing not only for primer, secondary and tertiary segments but
quarterly and so on which need
affordingChange the verb form
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it. Even if some segments are not important for
publicAdd an article
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to live their
but Correct word choice
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social media
worseningWrong verb form
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itCorrect pronoun usage
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by generating ideas of contentment and
pushWrong verb form
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publicAdd an article
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to pursue it, even though it is actually a
deceitReplace the word
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kind of happiness. The public begin to see
as an important aspect of
alsoAdd a missing verb
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supported by the world's government and
Correct article usage
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world'sChange noun form
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bank, revolving everything around
capitalAdd an article
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, and take a
lotAdd the preposition
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benefits from the common mass. From my experience, whenever I had a list of goods I want to buy to achieve my well-being, my list would never be emptied even if I had already
buyingChange the verb form
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it all. Because, when I already buying things from the list, I would always add new things, and I would never feel satisfied and always tried into buying more even if I do not have much cash
toAdd the comma(s)
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begin with.
To summarize,
is important in
societyAdd an article
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because it can buy contentment these days. But, it is recommended to not
clingingWrong verb form
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so much
intoChange preposition
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cash because everything
needChange the verb form
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a Remove the article
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moderation and we could
happinessChange preposition
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in many other ways.