, many various relationships have been
between countries and civilizations throughout
the Correct article usage
show examples
history. The most significant of them
isChange the verb form
show examples
that depend on dating back to Roman history. Some argue that international
organizationFix the agreement mistake
show examples
otherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
believe that it is a waste of money .In my opinion, these
a Remove the article
show examples
major importance for humanity.
is due to the fact that
are beneficial for
relationAdd an article
show examples
ofChange preposition
show examples
countries and
' life.
To start with, the main advantage of international
is that it brings different nations closer together. it contributes between countries to establish
relationFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, international
help to preserve the
worldChange noun form
show examples
catch up
Change preposition
show examples
opportunityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of exploring several
gameCorrect article usage
show examples
, it has a magnificent impact
forChange preposition
show examples
nations and
, another serious benefit of
is that it encourages to
doingWrong verb form
show examples
different sports. There is no
that doing
haveChange the verb form
show examples
a Correct article usage
show examples
great significance for all
life styleCorrect your spelling
show examples
is far from doing
cannot create their motivation to do
. For
promote to
doingWrong verb form
show examples
regularlyChange the word
show examples
sportFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, athletes in these
inspire young
to turn
differentChange preposition
show examples
sportFix the agreement mistake
show examples
runReplace the word
show examples
To sum up, whether
affectsCorrect your spelling
show examples
forChange preposition
show examples
humanity or it is a waste of money is a debatable issue. There
areChange the verb form
show examples
opinionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
ı am inclined to believe that
isChange the verb form
show examples
obligationAdd an article
an obligation
the obligation
show examples
globalAdd an article
show examples
world in today's world.
, governments and civil organizations should support
to organizeChange the verb form
show examples
internationalChange preposition
show examples