There is no doubt that these days statistics show a reduction in the population census all over the world especially predictions for the
five decades. The question is, will it have a negative impact on the advanced countries, and how? In Linking Words
essay, I am going to discuss Linking Words
issue and draw a solution for it.
In terms of the problem, many people strongly believe that the increase in eldries will affect social life. The main reason given to support Linking Words
claim is that the decline in early and middle adulthood will reduce the capability of traditional and habitat education to the Linking Words
generation. To illustrate, with the elevation of age a lot of health problems will occur Linking Words
as Alzheimer's. Linking Words
, the architecture civilization will be fewer, Linking Words
in other words
, the labour and employees will diminish Linking Words
the industrial rate will drop. Linking Words
In addition
, the percentage of whole older people in hospice will dramatically escalate.
Linking Words
, the shrinkage of the population figure could have a positive impact. Linking Words
, the overpopulation that causes serious issue Linking Words
as traffics jam and climate pollution that lead to significant threatening lifestyle complications will be diminished. Linking Words
, the lifestyle on earth will improve, Linking Words
is because all hazards that threaten the lives of animals and humans would be solved like extinction and disorders caused by infection and polluted environment.
In conclusion, It is evident that even if there are some benefits from reducing the population of the nation, The risks will lead to the disappearance of humans in the future decades. Linking Words
, both governments and individuals must ensure steps are taken to prevent Linking Words
phenomenon from deteriorating future life by providing financial assistance for those who can not get married and afford a parenting life,so the individual could be motivated to have more children.Linking Words