Mostly the popular issue in metropolitan areas is
jamFix the agreement mistake
show examples
since many
prefer to live in
this placeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to get
betterAdd an article
show examples
life. Because of
there are
any Correct quantifier usage
show examples
two problems that give
badCorrect article usage
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
the earth , but there have two solutions to tackle these problems.
On the one hand, the
increasingReplace the word
show examples
congestion is because many
like to live in the urban areas and
mostlyReplace the word
show examples
have their own vehicle. The common reason
ofChange preposition
show examples
the increasing
peopleCorrect quantifier usage
show examples
migrateWrong verb form
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
big cities is that they want to get a better job.
, since
who live in
largeAdd an article
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cityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
may have good
salaryFix the agreement mistake
show examples
it makes
themCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
easy to buy private vehicles.
MotorcycleFix the agreement mistake
show examples
carFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, are the popular private transportations that they have in every home.
ByChange preposition
show examples
cardFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and the guarantee of
’s salaries,
can get their private vehicles easily.
, because of
these Change the determiner
this problem
these problems
show examples
the earth is hotter than in the past and fossil fuel is decreasing.
, to solve
thisCorrect determiner usage
show examples
issuesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
have to make a clear role as well as to make
convenientCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
of the public transportations.
can make a role
aboutChange preposition
show examples
migration that
want to live from rural
areaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to big
cityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
governmentAdd an article
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who live in
countrysideAdd an article
show examples
to get a good job.
, to decrease of using
privateAdd an article
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vehicleFix the agreement mistake
show examples
governmentAdd an article
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can facilitate
a Remove the article
show examples
comfortable public transportation.
who live in
the Correct article usage
show examples
urban areas may
be preferChange the verb form
show examples
to transport by public transportation rather than
their Correct pronoun usage
show examples
private transportation.
To sum up,
jamFix the agreement mistake
show examples
is causing
likeAdd the particle
show examples
to migrate
inChange preposition
show examples
large cities and
they have their private
vehicleFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of the
the earth will hotter than in the past and the extinction of fossil
fuelFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, to tackle these problem
the Correct article usage
show examples
rolesFix the agreement mistake
show examples