Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that in many cities around the world there are constant traffic jams. How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from owning cars?

It is believed that over the three ,decades the number of car owners has increased in many urban areas throughout the world
makes more traffic in urban areas.I agree with the statement
,authorities can increase public transport and make it cheaper for people to cut the traffic jams.
, it is undeniable that traffic is increasing day by day as more crowd have their personal vehicle to commute from one place to another. Because it saves them a lot of time.
, car manufacturing companies these days making cars eco-friendly and electronic cars in the market pushing more of society to buy these automobiles at affordable prices
worsening the problem of transport.
For instance
, electronic vehicles like Tesla and other hybrid car companies attract more crowds to buy
automobile of their features leading to more vehicles on the roads.
, to deal with the problem of road jams the government should take action to expand existing public transit like trains, subways and public buses so that people start using these modes of transport as it would be cheaper and should be easily accessible to them.
, they should encourage them to use motorbikes and bicycles as they are cheaper and
help them to reach their destination on time.
For example
, most of the big ,cities already have public transportation but authorities should expand these facilities as they could be easily reachable to each part of society. In conclusion, it is clear that cities are more crowded .
, the states can curb
issue by enhancing public transportation as well as motivating society to use motorbikes and bicycles.
Submitted by jazz on

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