IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that the number of traffic jams is getting more and more around a lot of cities in the world because every single person has their own car there are some actions governments can do so that people use less thei
Given below are the maps of Olympic and Paralympic villages in the year 2000 and present day. Overall, in the present day village, there are a few new facilities which are added, apart from repurposing or expanding a fe
Owning vehicles has risen substantially during the last three decades in large towns all over the globe has caused consistent transport holdups. I will discuss the truth of these statements and how people in power could
I strongly agree that car owners gain in a quick period of time, due to easy access of buying cheap second hand cars and car loans. These system makes people wants to have their own cars and creates a large traffic on th
In the last 3 decades, more and more people can easily afford for the cars that causes the terrible traffic jam in the metropolises whole over the world. I have experienced how jam traffic is in everyday rush hour in my
Using car has increased much rapidly in three recently decades and it causes traffic jam in many cities in the world. So , government should solve this problem to prevent to use car among people. I will explain what shou
Over the past decade, traffic jams caused by cars have become a major concern in people's lives. This worrying trend needs to be analysed thoroughly to tackle this issue. It is argued that one of the significant reasons
Car ownership has surged dramatically over the past thirty years, leading to constant traffic jams in cities worldwide. This trend has significant implications for urban environments, economies, and the well-being of cit
Over the past decades, there has been a sharp rise in ownership of automobiles in many urban areas worldwide, contributing to traffic congestion. Certainly, it occurs frequently due to the low proportion of pedestrians
Over the last three decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of people using private cars, leading to widespread traffic congestion in many cities worldwide. This trend is mainly fueled by the percept
In the last three decades, the number of people using their private cars has risen significantly. Because of this, numerous cities in the world are challenged by traffic congestion due to the social status that folks hav
In the last three decades, the number of people using their private cars has risen significantly. Because of this, today's cities are challenged by traffic congestion. In my perspective, this statement is completely true
Vehicle possession has escalated dramatically for the last 30 years which leads to traffic congestion in many cities in the world. I completely agree with the given statement. Governments should take initiatives to preve
Number of people who owned car has went up in the last thirty years. I my opinion, this situation has potantial to cause big traffic jam in the world. In this essay, it will be discussed why I support this statement and
In the last three decades, the number of private cars has risen considerably in city areas across the globe. In my opinion, It is completely true and governments should restrict car ownership by taxes and provide the con
It is true and seen that in the 21st century the tendency of using cars has increased throughout the world. People should concern about this topic as it makes difficult to ignore it. It is not just traffic problems but a
In developing cities, demand for car possession has been increasing day by day over the past three decades. Although it is undoubtedly accurate data, the government should increase specific public transport for each comp
These days, more and more people own cars, and as a consequence, everywhere on the roads is full of long-term traffic congestion. These issues could be solved by investing and improving the quality of public transport in
Due to the rapid growth of technology , the world has come a long way therefore the lifestyle of people has changed a lot In the past few decades . In the midst of change , as the technology has advanced the number of ca
Nowadays, there are more and more cars can be seen on the roads. We have so many traffic problems caused by automobiles. It is a catastrophe and I will discuss this topic in the following paragraphs.
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