You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic. Group or team activities can teach more important skills for life than those activities which are done alone. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

It is believed that group activities can educate various vital skills rather than individual activities that are handled single. I personally think cohort tasks are much better for growth abilities as the techniques learned as a unit will be applied in real life in a more practical way.
, it has its disadvantages.
essay will shed light on both sides of the view and provide evidence to prove the arguments. On the one hand, there are different skill sets which can be improved when performing an activity as a troupe
as communication, interpersonal and team-working skills. For
Correct article usage
show examples
instance, football is a game where a group of players possesses numerous duties assigned to them. Better coordination and understanding are significant to achieve one common goal
as; being a good team player and communicating effectively with others.
As a result
, individual or collective goals will be met, communities get connected and social issues
Wrong verb form
will be
show examples
tackled in a smart method.
is the first and foremost reason for successful professionals worldwide.
On the other hand
, handling a scenario individually would lead to a unique personal skillset as well. Because of the high demand and challenges to overcome situations, these people may do their own research and improve themselves to achieve targets. To illustrate
, it was stated in a CNN research report recently that 60% of single players
face issues successfully compared to a group of society who work together.
, they are more prepared for life disputes and do not depend on anyone.
due to
the fact,
Correct word choice
that they
show examples
are working in their own way, sometimes these set in society feel isolated and left out and recognition can be low.
To conclude
and as discussed above, it is indeed the crowd activities which give more experience and lessons in life to endure tasks competently than managing on own even though it has its benefits.
, in my opinion, I agree with the notion of carrying out duties together for the sake of collaboration and understanding which will add fruitful things to the soul.
Submitted by dnkodagoda on

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task response
Your introduction sets up the essay topic well, but it could be clearer. Be more direct in stating your position to make it stand out.
task response
Ensure consistency in your arguments by sticking closely to the essay question. While your examples are relevant, some parts could be better integrated into your main arguments.
coherence and cohesion
Reduce redundancy in your sentences. This will increase readability and make your arguments more straightforward.
coherence and cohesion
Try to develop a stronger conclusion that succinctly summarizes the key points discussed and reinforces your position.
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Provide more clear transitions between paragraphs and within paragraphs to improve the flow.
task response
Your essay covers multiple perspectives on the topic, which demonstrates a thorough understanding of the issue.
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You have included relevant examples to support your points, which enriches your arguments.
coherence and cohesion
You have a structured approach to addressing the essay question.
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