It is common that the internet and technological devices are used as a means of monetary transfers.
there are certain disadvantages of Linking Words
development, they are far eclipsed by its more important advantages.
Admittedly, online transactions can be unsuitable for the elderly and there remain some risks related to fraud RELATING TO Linking Words
practice. Regarding the former, it is of significant difficulty for older individuals to master bank platforms on their phones to transfer money to others as they can hardly catch up with the fast-pacing technological development of Linking Words
trend. With regard to the latter, falling victim to online fraudulent transactions is still unavoidable. Linking Words
For example
, phishing emails or messages are ubiquitously sent to a large number of people in Vietnam, and hackers can steal cash from bank users when they click on some links included.
Linking Words
, these drawbacks are significantly outweighed by the benefits of the absence of germs and flexibility. In terms of the former, bank customers are remarkably less vulnerable to germs compared to the traditional manner in which cash containing unseeable bacteria and toxic substances is a primary means of exchange. Regarding the latter, not only can online transfers save time for senders but they can Linking Words
provide other convenient features Linking Words
as transferring money to a multitude of people, cancelling transactions if necessary and keeping records with high security. Linking Words
As a result
, Linking Words
can Linking Words
help businesses to work with better productivity as accountants, Linking Words
for instance
, can meet salary deadlines more efficiently with support from online banking.
In conclusion, despite certain shortcomings of transferring money through the internet or other online platforms including difficulties in using them encountered by the elderly and risks of fraud, Linking Words
technological advancement is truly beneficial because of its low exposure to germs and tremendous flexibility.Linking Words
Dinh Anh Duc