car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now 'one big traffic jam' How true do you think this statement is? what measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?

Every household owned multiple vehicles and the number has been rising quickly for the past three decades. I believe that the majority of the metropolis is now in traffic congestion;
, there are plentitude ways that the state could deter citizens from using
like establishing comfortable trains and decreasing the public transportation expense.
all people working in different industries are responsible for arriving at work on time in
a way they could swiftly complete their day-to-day tasks.
is the major reason why they purchase automobiles for them to utilize.
For instance
in China, approximately 99% of the population is owning a car which contributes to traffic jams specifically.
, the government must be obliged to build more comfortable trains for the employees to expedite their arrival at work like placing an excellent air conditioning system and wide seats inside the train.
most of the public transportation in urban areas are charging expensive fares to every passenger which pushes people to buy
of travelling by bus.
For example
, in the Philippines, people are avoiding going by bus since the price is costly and
is the cause that persuades them to own a car. So, the government must implement a stringent rule in charging passengers an affordable fare so that the whole community would patronize riding buses and stop buying private
To conclude
, the number of
would continuously increase if the government would not assist in public transport improvement. The traffic jam can be addressed by putting comfortable trains and lowering the daily fare of passengers.
Submitted by maymosqueda on

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