Many countries use fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) as the main source of energy. However, in some countries the use of the alternative sources of energy (wind energy and solar energy) is encouraged. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this development?

most of the nations are using fossil fuels
as coal as their source of energy ,some are using others like wind and solar power.Whether they are having more benefits than fossil fuels?I completely agree with the view of using other
which are less harmful.
essay shall discuss both sides .
To begin
with,many countries especially the middle east ones are having rich
of natural gas and oil and they are the main source of income for them.Even if they are selling these fuels at a higher rate,the people living in those regions are charged very less amount for petrol and diesel.
For example
,the fuel and natural gas rates are less expensive in almost all gulf
Fix the agreement mistake
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, so people can buy vehicles without bothering about the high cost they have to pay to fill the tank.Even if
benefits the population in one way,it has got some bad effects on the atmosphere.Most vehicles are emitting poisonous gas into the atmosphere which has resulted in environmental imbalance.
On the contrary
,many lands
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switched to other
to make their country a better place to breathe.
For instance
, many countries have their airports fully running with solar
and even many houses are
using the same for household activities.As they are eco-friendly,many governments are giving subsidies to promote their usage.
,we can see electric vehicles and charging stations in every nook and corner in many small countries where the air is pure in quality.
will in turn improve the health of the population.
To conclude
,I stand with the use of windmills and other forms which are nature friendly,so that we can prevent many health hazards that have arisen
due to
nature pollution,
Submitted by sujitharavi85 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • sustainable
  • renewable energy
  • non-renewable resources
  • carbon footprint
  • greenhouse gases
  • energy independence
  • climate change
  • environmental impact
  • infrastructural development
  • technological innovation
  • economic disruption
  • fossil fuel depletion
  • energy transition
  • consistency and reliability
  • wildlife habitat
  • natural landscapes
  • solar panels
  • wind turbines
  • energy consumption
  • ecological balance
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