As global trade increases, many goods, even those we use in a daily basis, are produced in other countries and have to be transported in long distances. Do you think the benefits of this trend outweigh the drawbacks?

With the development of economic globalization and the improvement of transportation, we can easily get access to different kinds of products from the other side of the world.
I accept
causes some problems, I firmly believe people are benefited more from
trend. Admittedly, multinational trade between religions may bring harm to import countries. On the one hand, the country which imports products from others will see a decrease in local job positions. Using foreign goods is definitely harmful to local markets
as well as
the domestic economy.
On the other hand
, long-distance transport is a main contributor to energy consumption and environmental disruption.
For instance
, emissions from air-crafts have become a source of pollution. Greenhouse gases have built up in the atmosphere, leading to extreme weather conditions, including unusually warm conditions in some areas of the world.
, using commodities from foreign countries can
be advantageous. Delivering critical materials and components across national boundaries is likely to mitigate the risk of resource scarcity. The fierce market competition
provides local consumers with multiple choices at much more reasonable prices.
For instance
, a Chinese customer is able to get American technology products conveniently at home.
In addition
, transnational trade promotes world cultural exchange
as well as
cultural prosperity.
For example
, a European may get to have a basic understanding of an African country’s culture
due to
its souvenirs. From my point of view, the problem of worldwide trade can be tackled to some extent.
For example
, the use of alternative energy sources and clean energy can reduce our reliance on traditional fossil fuels. In terms of the external threats that local enterprises may suffer from, it’s the government’s duty to adopt policies
as market intervention and tariff protection. In conclusion, I am optimistic about
trend and I would say potential risks associated with long-distance transportation can be minimized by effective measures.
Submitted by Erica Zhang on

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