Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons for this problem? What are the effects on society?

it is true that a myriad of
does not have the tendency of opting for
in universities these days
due to
its significant complication. personally, I hold the belief that
trend can exert certain adverse impacts on society. it is understandable for
not to choose
as their major because of its toughness. both scientific theories and experiments are challenging for youngsters, which require not only intelligence but
hard work and diligence.
As a result
, if they do not prepare painstakingly for
subject, they will fail the examination.
for example
, each year, a majority of
at Ha Noi University of
and Technology fail their exams
due to
the excessive amount of technical knowledge.
are unable to take part in extracurricular activities or part-time jobs because of their hectic schedules.
, many youngsters enrol in other universities, which enables them to have enough time for other activities. I strongly believe that the negative influences of
tendency need to be taken into consideration. it is worth mentioning that the development of necessary industries depends heavily on scientific researchers. without a sufficient number of
, there is a high possibility of lacking innovative breakthroughs that play an important role in all industries, especially the pharmaceutical field. people's well-being
can not be ensured without the advancement of technology.
need to be encouraged to major in
with a view to guaranteeing
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quality of life. in conclusion, I am of the opinion that the main factor of
trend is the overwhelming burden of workload, which leads to undesirable effects on technology development. it is predicted that
will become a more popular subject thanks to people's high demands for technological devices.
Submitted by bobong120906 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • deter
  • promotion
  • opportunities
  • role models
  • lucrative
  • employment
  • gender stereotypes
  • societal norms
  • access to information
  • technological stagnation
  • shortage
  • skilled professionals
  • innovation
  • healthcare sector
  • workforce
  • global competitiveness
  • advancements
  • economic growth
  • public health services
  • environmental sciences
  • combat climate change
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