Nowadays, environmental degradation is one of the most alarming issues which has garnered much public attention.
some agree with the idea that individual efforts are futile, I would give credence that protecting the environment is not only the responsibility of the government but Linking Words
of citizens.
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To begin
with, it can not be denied that resolving complex global problems requires various advanced technologies and substantial resources. Linking Words
In other words
, the intervention of the government and large corporations is of paramount importance. Linking Words
For instance
, recently, China has constructed a tower operating as an air purifier which can run on solar energy, that project helps improve air quality significantly. Linking Words
, only authorities have the power to enact and enforce environmental policies upon people. To be more specific, politicians could impose strict punishments on denizens who are caught Linking Words
breaking environmental laws and posing a threat to Change preposition
habitation. Without these measures, there would hardly be any rapid improvements in environmental conditions.
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On the other hand
, the awareness and actions of inhabitants significantly contribute to environmental changes. In fact, there are certain extents that politicians could not control and supervise. Linking Words
For instance
, they can not prevent the citizens from wasting electricity or leaving the taps running in their private homes. Linking Words
, without the collaboration of ordinary people, some of the above-mentioned methods would be inoperative. Linking Words
, it is suggested a number of steps that residents could take to partly protect the ecosystem. Linking Words
For example
, taking public means of transport Linking Words
of driving cars to diminish greenhouse gas emissions. Linking Words
In addition
, consumers should substitute cloth bags for plastic ones as a solution to reduce plastic pollution.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that conserving the environment is everyone’s moral duty. It is necessary that citizens and authorities make a joint to tackle the problem as soon as possible.Linking Words