The chart illustrates how prices for fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets, and carbonated drinks altered comparatively from 1978 to 2009.
, there was a steady increase in the four categories examined despite some slight fluctuations, with fresh fruits and vegetables witnessing the most dramatic rise over the period. It is Linking Words
notable that the cost of Linking Words
surpassed that of the consumer price index.
The cost of sugar and sweets started at around 60 at the beginning of the period, after which it experienced a gradual rise of close to 200. A similar change, but to a lesser extent, was seen for the figure for carbonated drinks, which Linking Words
grew from 60 to approximately 151 in the latter half of the period. Despite the substantial change in charge, these fields consistently remained lower than the consumer price index from 1989 onwards.
As time went by, fresh fruits and vegetables became the most costly products, irrespective of some fluctuations. The figure for Linking Words
category was significantly higher than that of the consumer price index, which accounted for about 330 and 220, respectively.Linking Words