Museum and Art Galleries should concentrate on work that show history and culture of their own country rather than work of the other part in the world.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In present the world, there are several museums and art galleries all over the world and it gives people motivation to do something for themselves.
, the history and culture of their own
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are transferring positive education to the young generation as well.
, it is agreed museums and galleries should concentrate on work that shows the history and culture of their own
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rather than work from the other part of the world. There are two of the most important reasons in terms of the preservation of domestic legacy and education for children. I will explain in detail.
, we need to preserve our own legacy which is related to the traditional stuff ourselves and keep them in certain places where we can easily reach them.
According to
that, folk could feel that they
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to protect and
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about their civilization.
For example
, if we concentrate on showing international things rather than domestic commodities public is usually confused about what our own life looks like.
That is
why we should preserve internal things first.
, the young generation must have had a knowledge of ancestors' mindset and places where display masterpieces or commodities are being used as perfect locations for it. In
case, we should focus on showing our own traditional things rather than other county's.
For instance
, nowadays young people do have not enough concept of the old lifestyle and they need to learn about it because there is no future without the past.
, they should be educated from well-prepared locations with lots of productions of the
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. In conclusion, museums and art galleries figure out what is the best way to deliver the acknowledgement of culture and history for most societies.
, I think the government should force them to display their own fashion
rather than
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an international one and should encourage people to keep their own assets themselves as well. I hope it
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a great effect on the public for the thriving present era.
Submitted by rk99dk88 on

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