Nowadays, it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Is it a positive or negative development?

In the modern era of science and technology, it is far easier to travel from one place to another place even to other nations. In my point of view, it is a positive development because these, students can learn about other cultures and learn how they can manage Precious
and time as a wall. The main advantage is that it helps to gain knowledge about different types of cultures.
means that the majority of students who want to learn something new about history overseas can get a tourist visa without any effort
due to
they do not charge too much
from those who want to go abroad.
For example
, in India, past year, there
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a school that organized a trip for learners, which is going to the United
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of America(USA).
, if individuals are getting visas from the United States
it is far more convenient to travel to other countries.
On the other hand
, it helps to learn time and
management skills, owing to
individuals can predict the amount of any particular trip, which always leads to a bright future. If anyone is going to travel to other countries
that guy will never face any difficulties
For instance
, in Canada, about 90% of guardians give a
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amount of
to their children and make their regular schedule by themselves to teach them about these skills. Owing to
, they mature at the age of fifteen so those methods can help them to survive at any destination. In conclusion,
it is easier to transmit to other nations if they do not have
and time management
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they are hopeless.
, it will teach them both these skills that's why it is a positive sign of globalization.
Submitted by lavishsaini280 on

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Task Response
Improve task response by focusing on the prompt and addressing the specific question. Provide a clear opinion and support it with relevant examples and explanations.
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Enhance coherence and cohesion by using a clearer organizational structure, including introduction and conclusion, and ensuring that ideas are logically connected throughout the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Advancements in transportation
  • Cultural curiosity
  • Economic reasons
  • Globalization
  • Educational opportunities
  • Digital nomadism
  • Healthcare tourism
  • Tourism industry growth
  • Personal development
  • Interconnectedness
  • Higher living standards
  • Remote work
  • Broaden their horizons
  • Affordable travel
  • Medical treatments
  • Global perspective
  • Air travel options
  • Cuisines
  • Lifestyles
  • Job opportunities
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