As human beings have different interests, strengths and weaknesses, the same goes for their studying pattern. It is often argued that studying alone is more beneficial,it evolves responsibility. Meanwhile, others argue that group learning is more helpful
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because it provides diverse ideas.
essay will explore both sides of the argument before reaching a logical opinion. On the one hand,the supporters of the idea that individual learning is the best form of learning believe that it evolves/induces a sense of responsibility/
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itCorrect word choice
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makes a person responsible.
As solvingChange preposition
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every matter alone will help to recognize weaknesses and strengths, and make us responsible for our own decisions. Take an example of a survey conducted by the Ministry of Behavioural Inspection Of Australia,
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revealed that individual learners tend to be more creative and independent.
,effort-based learning plays an important role in personality development.
While Correct word choice
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, the advocates of the idea that body learning is more beneficial believe that it allows us to deal with a vast variety of information. Each individual in a small class shares their strengths with other students and comes up with multiple ideas.
, Emma Watson, a leading Hollywood actress once attributed/
giveWrong verb form
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credit to her creative skills to her club studying pattern.
, learning in collaboration will help individuals to be more creative with their ideas.
, in my ,opinion both individual and association learning are extremely beneficial in their own ways. It is a matter of choice, like in which pattern they feel more comfortable.
,even though having the habit of learning alone makes you responsible.But learning in a small band is the best way to tackle any problem within a limited time.
AlthoughCorrect word choice
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, studying methods mostly depend on what works better for the students.