some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. others argue that it is better to try and imporve such situations. discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Recently, the issues of how to manage a bad situation have become a heated debate. Some
assert that
should try their best to improve situations which are not satisfying,
others argue
. Personally, I wholeheartedly agree with the former stand. In the following essay, both arguments will be discussed with relevant examples, before a conclusion is reached with my opinion.
On the other hand
, some
assert that it is better to act realistic by accepting bad situation do so for several reasons. Proponents of
argument insist that we need to consider the situation surrounding us, including our family and friends. In fact, if
don't stand their responsibilities,
as earning money to support their family or spending a great time with their friends to release stress in daily
, by changing their focus to what they are eager to do more, that can lead to insecure
of them
as well as
their close
. Another reason is the lifetime realization that right here is the best condition to live the happiest
In other words
, there is no ideal.
, my argument is that there are a lot of possibilities to do better by trying other ways. Perhaps the most compelling reason is that the chance is exploding to a global dimension, which means that
are able to look for the likelihood to get a job they want abroad and gain more money so that they can encourage the best version of their
can be
achieved by utilising the internet or social media in the age of technology and science. The second convincing reason is that
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the opposite of previous opinions from opponents, especially after outbreaks of covid 19, many individuals had decided to devote their
only to themselves and do what they are passionate to do because of the variations of situations concerned with natural disasters and conflicts between countries and so on. In conclusion, it is undeniable that there are a variety of opinions about
, after considering
matter in a careful manner, I fully support the view that being adventurous to improve situations is beneficial, for the reasons discussed above.
Submitted by mijindoig on

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